Sunday, July 8, 2007

Abandon the Neo-Conservative Philosophy

Neo-Con's are the Machievillian courtiers of our time; fundamentally they serve power. Henry Kissinger, in my mind, is the original Neo-Conservative. They favour of the expansion of the state before the interests of liberty. Generally they want to expand the power of the state and expand taxation; they favor both welfare and warfare all paid for by the tax payer. Generally they also favor corporate welfare. They essentially favor state involvement and control in all areas of business as it furthers the power and welfare of the state.

'War is the health of the state'

I am a Paleo-Conservative. I favour personal liberty, freedom and the limiting of the state. I oppose neo-conservatives and indeed it is clear they have simply transformed the Trotskiest Ideals of Permanent Revolution and State Ownership of The Means Of Production all the while campaigning and preaching the ideals of capitalism and freedom. They practice a form Orwellian 'newspeak' that has frightening prophecy of things to come.

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