Monday, July 9, 2007

Questions on Anarcho-Capitalism

As King of Canada I demand Canada turn immediately to the socio/political/economic structure that is Anarcho-Capitalism. This is the only moral style for my country to be run on; further it is the most efficient and most humane. Allow me to share a discussion on the subject :

"As far as I understand it, an AC world rely on perfect information and no barriers to entry for new companies. Is this true?

I agree that the free market could take care of almost anything under these circumstances. But consumers never have perfect information. Hell, they rarely even have semi-accurate information. It also seems like there would be huge barriers to entry into a lot of fields of commerce. This seems especially true if we try to go to an AC system from our current state.

And in terms of education and health care, it seems like purely profit seeking organizations won't maximize learning and good health. It seems like it would be in your best interest to look like you're doing a great service, but to instead provide spotty service. As long as a large percentage of your clientele is not aware of your shortcomings you'd probably do well. I'm thinking of health care in particular when I say this since so many insurance companies seek to deny compensation wherever they can.

Yes, I could probably search for some of these answers on the internet or through the archives. But a cursory search didn't reveal anything and I'm sure there are enough ACers out there who'll be happy to respond. Right?"

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